Tuesday, October 12, 2010

6. Lifestyle- character

Anrminator, January 2008, Melbourne City Lifestyle- Victoria Australia. <http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dr97WYxIN74> [Accessed 5 October 2010]

As describe by many, Melbourne is a harmony place to live in. This short documentary depicts about the many different lifestyle and people living in Melbourne. How ‘Melbourne has push the boundaries on the aesthetic creativity like arts, food, sports, architecture and life in general’. 

Based on the short description by the contributor (anrminator), he written ‘Melbourne is a city of style and sophistication, with an inviting cosmopolitan atmosphere.’ There is a wide range of style and creativity in Melbourne, from fashion boutiques, to the laneway cafes, street art galleries and bars. On the plus side, with mix and multicultural races in Melbourne, one gets to enjoy all the exotic lifestyle and cuisine in every corner or lanes in Melbourne city.

It is indeed a unique experience which one must simply take the time to admire and escape from the hectic lifestyle and enjoy what Melbourne has to offer.  

This short documentary also emphasized stating, ‘in multicultural Melbourne, with its distinct, precinct and personalities, it is intensity unlike any other place on earth’. Melbourne has truly set an image of a comfortable and a warm welcome to anyone globally with its multicultural lifestyle.

Lifestyle editor, no date, ‘Melbourne Lifestyle’, moveandstay.com, executive lifestyle worldwide, lifestyle. < http://www.moveandstay.com/melbourne/guide_lifestyle.asp>, [Accessed 6 October 2010]

Again and again, Melbourne has been categorized as an ideal and most livable city on earth. The reason being they have created such an exceptional image that inputs in everyone mind as one of the best city on earth. In this article, it highlights about the extraordinary scene of beauty and tranquility which the city is situated in between the river and bay. It also emphasize on the special lifestyle which the Melburnians lead like in sports, food, fashion and arts.

Having a rich multicultural population has also contributed to the fact that Melbourne is lovable and an identity which gathers people around the globe in one place where everyone can learn and get to know each other.

Hence, Melbourne lifestyle is also part of its identity.It is just like a human character that makes a part of an identity.

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